The process of Preparation and Integration helps us cultivate sacred relationships with our ceremonies, ourselves, and our lives.

Ceremonies with sacred medicines are often quantum leaps in our evolution. It’s hard to even put language to what happens in medicine journeys. The days that lead up to or follow these journeys are an important time to have loving support, so that we can meet the medicine with reverence, receive the lessons and downloads we’re meant to, and make sense of our experiences in meaningful and actionable ways. That allows us to carry the alchemy of ceremony into the rest of our lives through new perspectives, behaviors, relationships, and purpose.

My approach to preparation and integration work blends principles of shamanic Eastern Medicine and indigenous shamanic traditions with S. G. House’s five-stage model of Intention, Ingestion, Insight, Integration, Implementation.

Eastern medicine has shamanic roots, and its paradigms line up perfectly with sacred medicine. In both contexts,

  • nature is the best teacher

  • we remember that we are part of nature, and are governed by the same principles and patterns

  • understanding our relationship to all things is the key to insight

  • addressing the root of an issue or imbalance creates more sustainable change than treating the branch that arises from it

  • better to release that which no longer serves, rather than suppressing or ignoring it

  • the role of the healer isn’t to interrupt necessary processes and experiences, but to help the journeyer feel grounded and stay present for the experience and the lessons

My role as a prep and integration coach is to help you create a sacred and safe foundation, so you can stay open to what happens in ceremony, and you can find healing, wisdom and empowerment when you return home.

I listen to what’s going on for you in your life, and how you head the call to sit with the medicine. I hold all the pain and beauty that can be behind setting your intention for the journey - without judgment, without fixing. I help you honor what has been, and make room for what’s to come. I help you remember and celebrate your warrior spirit. And I support you in talking through your experiences with the medicine so you can walk with what you’ve learned in a healing and practical way.

To book a session, click on the button below and book an In person or Remote session, depending on your needs.