Any of these modalities may be used or combined within a session, depending on what is most needed.

Spiritual Consultancy

Elements of Eastern philosophy, transformational education, esoteric spirituality, shamanism and magic are all possible points of reference and reflection during Spiritual Counsel.

Guided Meditation

Personally-tailored guided meditations for stress reduction, relaxation, anxiety-management, physical healing.


A hybrid of divination and coaching, we use tarot or oracle cards to help you gain higher perspectives on big questions.

Healing Journeys

Based on shamanic journeying, these guided sessions are a hybrid of coaching and journeying techniques that bring insight and elevated awareness


The principal branch of traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is a system that has been developed and refined for more than three thousand years. Crystal, shamanic and cosmetic styles are available.


A gentle and effective form of energy healing that supports psycho-emotional shifts, detoxification and deeper relaxation.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal formulas are a great way to have a daily influence on your condition or vitality. They often come in the form of  decoctions, powders, pills or tablets, syrups, liniments or plasters.