Integrating the Magical & the Practical

I help people honor and reignite their warrior nature.

I guide people in connecting with their divinity and living a more spiritual life.

I illuminate ways to inhabit sacred relationships with self, others, and any aspect of life or the earth.

I support people to name and own the true desires of their hearts so they can live and make choices from that place.


Here are some of the inquiries that I work with:

  • Connecting with purpose

  • Becoming more spiritual

  • Harmonizing relationships

  • Transforming trauma

  • Grounding through transitions

  • Evolving communication

  • Cultivating practices to learn from anxiety, depression, stress

If you don’t see your inquiry represented, you can send it to me here.


We will probably work well together if you

  • Have or adopt a training mindset

  • Take or are willing to take full responsibility for yourself and your path

  • Can talk about or acknowledge your spirit and divinity

  • Are willing to face discomfort to receive the reward of your lessons

  • Feel or are curious about awakening your magic or consciousness

  • Identify as a warrior

  • Feel a strong connection to nature

We aren’t likely to work well together if you

  • Are looking for quick solutions or resolutions

  • Do not believe in the spirit or divinity

  • Put up a lot of resistance to new ideas or challenges

  • Are simply looking to alleviate pain